• 年份: 2024   地区: 德国   类型: 战争片  
  • 状态: HD 
  • 主演: Emma  Eva  Jan  Jane  Kwiecinski  Pedraza 
  • 导演: 埃德·埃伦伯格  
  • 简介: Ukrainia - October 1941 - A small group of scattered German soldiers occupies a beautiful little settlement of Russia-Germans. There are only about a dozen women, a few children and old people left in the village, who welcome the Nazi soldiers happily as liberators, hopefully getting rescued from the impending Russian deportation.Even the young Nazi soldiers appear to be ordinary human beings with a civilian past, joking and fooling around. Both groups peacefully get closer and become nearly friends.But then there happens an assault a young woman gets killed by the Nazi officer, and in return the officer gets killed in self-defense by another settler. Now the situation changes, the villagers and the former seemingly friendly German soldiers start to torture and execute each other. Like in a counting-out rhyme, one by one of both sides drops down dead.Soldiers and civilians become cruel and brutal killers, committing crimes they surely won't tell their grandchildren...


Ukrainia - October 1941 - A small group of scattered German soldiers occupies a beautiful little settlement of Russia-Germans. There are only about a dozen women, a few children and old people left in the village, who welcome the Nazi soldiers happily as liberators, hopefully getting rescued from the impending Russian deportation.Even the young Nazi soldiers appear to be ordinary human beings with a civilian past, joking and fooling around. Both groups peacefully get closer and become nearly friends.But then there happens an assault a young woman gets killed by the Nazi officer, and in return the officer gets killed in self-defense by another settler. Now the situation changes, the villagers and the former seemingly friendly German soldiers start to torture and execute each other. Like in a counting-out rhyme, one by one of both sides drops down dead.Soldiers and civilians become cruel and brutal killers, committing crimes they surely won't tell their grandchildren...




  • HD


    Albert  Alfonsino  Benjamin  Berth  Campbell  Carlson  Emanuel  Harold  Heinze  Leonard  Mats  Merlin  Parrish  Pasca  Raymond  Wagner  伦佐·阿万佐  加尔·摩尔  卡米拉萨齐奥  哈丽特·梅丁  多茨·约翰逊  威廉·塔布斯  戴尔·埃德蒙兹  朱丽叶塔·马西纳  玛丽亚·米琪  罗伯托范隆 

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    Ekaterina  Evgeniy  Fyodor  Reshetnikova  Smolyaninov  Terskikh  基里尔·波卢欣  奥列格·阿巴林  弗拉基米尔·彼得罗夫  米哈伊尔·博格达诺夫  阿列克谢·克拉夫琴科 

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    Anton  Babichenko  Barabanov  Dmitriy  Dmitriy  Dmitry  Dzhelilov  Eldar  Gennadiy  Gladkov  Ivanov  Kirill  Lugovkin  Nikolay  Nikolay  Polukhin  Ruslan  Sergey  Sutyrin  Sychyov  Taks  Viktor  Vitaliy  Yanishevskiy  Yatsenyuk  Zamula  亚历山大·安·巴拉诺夫  基里尔·波卢欣  奥列格·阿巴林  萨维尔·穆日克扬  赛多·库班诺夫 

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    Sergey  Yazenuk  哈立德·霍伊萨  基里尔·波卢欣  奥列格·梅特列夫  奥列格·阿巴林 

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    Alex  Alin  Bnescu  Calangiu  Catalin  Dimény  Doni  Dumitras  Florea  Herlo  Laurentiu  Leonid  Mihoc  Mirela  Nicu  Oprisor  Razvan  Vicoveanu  Voicu  áron  亚历山德鲁·帕帕多波尔  伊恩·格罗叙  博格丹·法尔卡什  安迪·瓦斯卢亚努  尤利安·波斯泰尔尼库  尼科丁·恩古里亚努  托玛·库津  斯蒂芬·扬库  科斯特尔·卡斯卡韦尔  罗努特·卡拉斯 

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    冷海铭  刘亚津  刘林城  姜山  寇钟吁  张瀚方  时光  来喜  毕超  王予  贾虎  路嘉 

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    Chuxuan  Liu  刘楚玄  单仕杰  巩峥  朱洪霖  杨钧丞  沈丹萍  白雪公主  胡双全  赵中华  陶红  高郡伟 

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    党伟  姜亦可  孙亮  孙郡曼  季颖  山崎敬一  廖望  张耀月  张野  明上蟾  朱华强  梁伊娃  梁西  王子宸  董妮娜  许佳露  谢云鹏  赵士磊  郑昌盛  金美泠  齐梓杰  齐藤广海 

  • HD


    Emma  Eva  Jan  Jane  Kwiecinski  Pedraza 

  • 正片




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